Karate Kid: Legends (2025)

Karate Kid: Legends marks the thrilling return of the beloved martial arts franchise, with Jackie Chan reprising his role as Mr. Han. Set over a decade after the events of The Karate Kid (2010), this new chapter introduces a fresh generation of students while honoring the legacy of the series. Combining heartfelt mentorship, breathtaking martial arts, and an inspiring message, Legends continues the story of courage, discipline, and self-discovery.
The teaser trailer opens with serene shots of a Chinese countryside, interspersed with scenes of Jackie Chan’s Mr. Han training a group of young students in the art of kung fu. A mysterious new threat arises in the form of a rival dojo with a ruthless philosophy, led by a master who challenges not only Han’s teachings but his past. The trailer hints at high-stakes tournaments, intense rivalries, and emotionally charged moments of growth for both teacher and students.
With Jackie Chan’s iconic blend of wisdom, humor, and skill, Karate Kid: Legends bridges the past with the present, featuring stunning fight choreography and a heartfelt story about resilience and redemption.

Estimated Budget: $80 million
Karate Kid: Legends promises a mix of action, nostalgia, and fresh energy, making it an eagerly anticipated continuation of a cherished series that has inspired generations.