Encanto 2, the highly anticipated sequel to Disney’s 2021 hit Encanto, takes viewers back to the magical world of the Madrigal family and their enchanted home in the mountains of Colombia. The story picks up a few years after the events of the first film, where Mirabel Madrigal helped restore her family’s magic and repaired the broken relationships that had caused tension within the family. Now, in the sequel, the Madrigals are faced with new challenges that threaten their magical powers and their unity once again.
The trailer opens with the familiar vibrant scenes of the enchanted Casita, bustling with life as the Madrigal family uses their gifts to help their community. However, a sense of unease begins to creep in as strange occurrences start to affect the magical house. Cracks appear in the walls again, but this time, something darker seems to be at play. The Casita, once lively and responsive, begins to act unpredictably, and the family’s powers start to fluctuate. Even Mirabel, who had no powers in the original film, begins to experience strange visions, hinting that her connection to the magic may be more profound than anyone realized.
As the trailer progresses, we see new characters introduced—mysterious visitors from a distant village with their own magical gifts, but whose arrival seems to deepen the disturbances in the Madrigal’s magic. Mirabel, along with her sisters Isabela and Luisa, sets off on a journey to uncover the root of the problem, venturing far beyond the Encanto’s borders into unknown territories. Along the way, they discover ancient magical secrets about their family’s powers, revealing that the magic of the Encanto may have deeper ties to the land and the ancestors than they previously understood.